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Learn French Online – Lesson 3 – Gender of Nouns and Articles

In French, every noun has a gender. It’s either masculin (male) or féminin (female).

You can tell the gender of a noun by the article that comes before it.

The English a will be un (m) or une (f).

The English the will be le (m) or la (f).


une tasse (f)
a cup

un poisson (m)
a fish

la nuit (f)
the night

la journée (f)
the day / daytime

le soleil (m)
the sun

la lune (f)
the moon

la voiture (f)
the car

le camion (m)
the truck

une banane (f)
a banana

un citron (m)
a lemon

la chaussure (f)
the shoe

le sac (m)
the bag

la terre (f)
the earth

le moteur (m)
the engine

How do I know the gender of a French noun? I learn the noun with its article.

Qu’est-ce que c’est?
What is this?

C’est une tasse. (f)
It’s a cup.

For people, the grammatical gender is the same as the gender of the person.

un homme
a man

un garçon
a boy

une femme
a woman

une fille
a girl

For animals, it depends.

Some animals have a “general gender” by which we refer to them.

We always say:

un zèbre (m)
a zebra
une girafe (f)
a giraffe

If we want to be specific about the gender of the animal, we will add mâle or femelle to the noun.

un mâle
a male

une girafe mâle
a male giraffe

une femelle
a female

une girafe femelle
a female giraffe

Other animals have a different or modified noun for the female:

un lion
a lion

un chat
a cat

un chien
a dog

un mouton
a sheep

un cochon
a pig

une lionne (f)
a female lion

une chatte (f)
a female cat

une chienne (f)
a female dog

une brebis (f)
a sheep

une truie (f)
a female pig

More Basic French Lessons

  • Previous Lesson – Greetings Part 2 In this basic French lesson we learn how to greet someone we know and are familiar with. These greetings are a little different than the ones we would use with someone we just met.
  • Next Lesson – The L apostophe Learn all bout the L apostrophe as we expand on French articles and the gender of nouns and articles

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  1. Zoe
    10 years ago

    Your videos so much easier than regular French classes!

  2. Mariana
    10 years ago

    Muchas gracias!! Me encantan las lecciones!! Saludos desde México

  3. Marvin Webster
    10 years ago

    J’aime JeFrench!

  4. meluehrmeger
    10 years ago

    I finally understand the difference between bonjour and salut.

  5. Joshua Man
    10 years ago

    This blows away all the other French classes on the internet. Thanks!

  6. Mercedes
    10 years ago

    This is such a cool web site. It is like having a free online version of Rosetta Stone – the French version. That is easily a savings of at least $200, which is the price for the retail version of the boxed package off the shelf. And I go further on to say that this is video version is even slightly better because it is more visually intuitive and also because there is no installation required.

  7. sadaqat
    10 years ago

    Bonjure, i have a querry, i cant differentiate between the gender without article, either it is masculine or faminine.

    • JeFrench
      10 years ago

      That’s right, you use the article to guess the gender of the noun. That’s why we learn a new noun with its article.

  8. Barbara Greenslade
    10 years ago

    I just wanted to congratulate you on this wonderful website. I have recently started taking French lessons and your site is so help with helping me understand it better. It is very well set out and the explanation of each topic is excellent. Thank you very much.

    Kind regards

  9. Ivan
    10 years ago

    It is wonderful being on the site learning quite well and im appreciating the work done

    merci beau coup pour l’excellent travail

    A Plus

  10. Baljit
    10 years ago

    The lesson was explained very clearly and easy to follow, thanks for your brilliant french course!