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Learn French Online – Lesson 3 – Gender of Nouns and Articles

In French, every noun has a gender. It’s either masculin (male) or féminin (female).

You can tell the gender of a noun by the article that comes before it.

The English a will be un (m) or une (f).

The English the will be le (m) or la (f).


une tasse (f)
a cup

un poisson (m)
a fish

la nuit (f)
the night

la journée (f)
the day / daytime

le soleil (m)
the sun

la lune (f)
the moon

la voiture (f)
the car

le camion (m)
the truck

une banane (f)
a banana

un citron (m)
a lemon

la chaussure (f)
the shoe

le sac (m)
the bag

la terre (f)
the earth

le moteur (m)
the engine

How do I know the gender of a French noun? I learn the noun with its article.

Qu’est-ce que c’est?
What is this?

C’est une tasse. (f)
It’s a cup.

For people, the grammatical gender is the same as the gender of the person.

un homme
a man

un garçon
a boy

une femme
a woman

une fille
a girl

For animals, it depends.

Some animals have a “general gender” by which we refer to them.

We always say:

un zèbre (m)
a zebra
une girafe (f)
a giraffe

If we want to be specific about the gender of the animal, we will add mâle or femelle to the noun.

un mâle
a male

une girafe mâle
a male giraffe

une femelle
a female

une girafe femelle
a female giraffe

Other animals have a different or modified noun for the female:

un lion
a lion

un chat
a cat

un chien
a dog

un mouton
a sheep

un cochon
a pig

une lionne (f)
a female lion

une chatte (f)
a female cat

une chienne (f)
a female dog

une brebis (f)
a sheep

une truie (f)
a female pig

More Basic French Lessons

  • Previous Lesson – Greetings Part 2 In this basic French lesson we learn how to greet someone we know and are familiar with. These greetings are a little different than the ones we would use with someone we just met.
  • Next Lesson – The L apostophe Learn all bout the L apostrophe as we expand on French articles and the gender of nouns and articles

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  1. Zuzu
    11 years ago

    i LOVE this website! it helps me out with french
    cuz i usually dont understand it in class :D this is awesome! merci

  2. Thomas
    11 years ago

    bonjour! Ce site est exactement ce dont j’ai besoin! Merci beaucoup! =)

  3. jane
    11 years ago

    am happy with the website, at least i can be able read basic french

  4. liberty
    11 years ago

    i love this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. zainab
    11 years ago

    hello.I’m Libyan .I want to thank you.This is a great site.Now I can learn French easily.

  6. crystal
    11 years ago

    hello I’m having trouble, understanding the diffrence between a masculin and feminin nouns. How dose an acticle dermine whether is a masculin or feminin? Please help. Thank you.

    • JeFrench
      11 years ago

      The article agrees with the gender of the noun. It does not determine its gender. But it helps you determine whether it’s masculin or féminin. Le is the (m). La is the (f). Un is a (m). Une is a (f). Du is some (m). De la is some (f).

  7. Nitin
    11 years ago

    Very nice explanation….. It looks now easy to learn french….. Merci….

  8. sharifa
    11 years ago

    very good helpful presentation, i attend a short French course before and i really got bored, but in your way with your presentation i’m sure that i’ll do it. thank you

  9. Shirley Wallen
    11 years ago

    I am finding these lessons very useful. It is a fabulous refresher for my bruised and neglected french.

    11 years ago

    This is fantastic presentation.The pronounciation stuff makes it very interesting and enticing to learn the french language